Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Flying back to Britain tomorrow

Today is my last full day in Mexico, and tomorrow I am flying on the new year back to Britain, and when there I will finally be able to organize my pictures and start posting about the places I visited in Mexico. I would have done that before, but thanks to the big crap that photo library programs are in the Mac, I still have not turned around to doing this.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

United Airlines and Chicago

Yesterday I started my journey to Mexico with United Airlines, but to my dismay, after some bad weather conditions in Chicago in the first leg of my journey, all my flights were disrupted. And to add injury to insult, the people from united just told me to sod off, since "it was not their fault" that the weather was shit in Chicago. Lucky me? Not only that, but when I got to Dallas, where I'm writing these lines after more than a day without sleep, I did not manage to find a hotel to spend the night, so I ended up sleeping rough in Fort Worth airport.

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